Event This Montlh II
Speaker By:
Venue: Ministry of Interior, Phnom Penh
Date: 29 Mar-29 Mar 2017
We, the participants in the International Conference on the 25th Anniversary of the 1991 Paris Peace
Other Event Archives
Meeting with General Department of Taxation (GDT)
Meeting with General Department of Taxation (GDT) organized by CCC this morning is beyond the taxation discussion. It is about an opportunity to collaborate, to clear the perception
Update: 4th Partnership Forum: Gov't & CSOs_3 Feb 2020
This is the 4th Partnership Forum between the Government and Civil Society Organization which was held at the Ministry of Interior on 3rd Feb 2020. Achievements, challenges, and suggestions have been raised during the partnership forum. 1) Highlight on process of LANGO Amendment 2) Monitor on 12 key asks raised since 2nd partnership forum in 2019
Finance Learning Forum on “The Real Practice Taxation for Not-for-Profit Entities”
To Enhance understanding on tax compliance with non-for-profit entities. To learn and discuss the real practice of how to register TIN, VAT, tax on salary, withholding tax, and annual income tax. To strengthen relationship and network among finance practitioners and professionals for ongoing learning on Financial Management issues and good practice.
Second CCC Members Bi-monthly Meeting 2015
The meeting was conducted on 2 June 2015 as normally for its members. It was designed into two main sessions. The first half morning was to update on current status CCC membership and form the technical working group on the LANGO and policy development process. After the break, there was the small group discussions on the e-advocacy system.
កិច្ចពិគ្រោះយោបល់ថ្នាក់ជាតិស្ដីពី “ការអភិវឌ្ឍន៍គោលនយោបាយ និងក្របខណ្ឌច្បាប់ពាក់ព័ន្ធនឹងអង្គការសង្គមស៊ីវិល” ធ្វើនៅ៖ ភោជនីយដ្ឋានទន្លេបាសាក់ II សង្កាត់ទន្លេបាសាក់ ខណ្ឌចំការមន រាជធានីភ្នំពេញ។ កាលបរិច្ឆេទ៖ ថ្ងៃសុក្រ ទី២៩ ខែ មិថុនា ឆ្នាំ២០១៨ ។
Bi-Monthly Meeting
This 252nd Bi-Monthly Members meeting will be convened on 7 June 2018 at Diakonia Center (KSSA/ICF No.19-21, St. 330, Phnom Penh).
Consltative Meeting on Cybercrime draft law
The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) committed to fast track the adoption of many laws including the Law on Associations and NGOs, Cybercrime Law