ICT learning forum
Speaker By:
Venue: Tonle Bassac 2, Physical Only
Date: 09 Aug-09 Aug 2023
Time: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Other Event Archives
1st M&E Learning Forum in 2015
The M&E Learning Forum has been conducted since December 2009 and facilitated by CCC with technical support from M&E Working Group members who are M&E professionals and practitioners of CCC members. The forum is designed to:
Bi-monthly members meeting
This meeting is organized to achieve the following objectives: To welcome new members and sharing of member’s development approaches; To share results and recommendations of key research studies 1) “How the people of Cambodia live with climate change and what communication can do”, 2) Public Image of CSOs, and 3) CSO Enabling Environment and Inclusive Partnership
CCC Annual General Meeting and 25th Anniversary
AGM was aim to debate on trends of civil society organizations and contributions of CCC members. This debate was look at current status of civil society, demands of governance...