4th Bi-Monthly Members Meeting
Speaker By:
Venue: KSSA/ICF Center
Date: 07 Oct-07 Oct 2014
The 4th CCC Bi-monthly meeting for CCC’s members was conducted on the 7 October 2014. This meeting is viewed as an important platform for CCC members and relevant stakeholders to get updated on the most recent development priorities of Cambodia and to explore networking opportunities with international CSO community.
The meeting objectives were:
- Update the progress about CCC's Governance Hub Program (GHP), new term of EXCOM and preparation for Annual General Meeting (AGM) and CSO fairs,
- Update information related to the approved version of the National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP 2014-2018) and the Development Cooperation and Partnership Strategy (DCPS 2014-2018),
- Discuss on roles of local and international NGOs in responding to NSDP, DCPS and new Post 2015 development goals,
- Explore networking opportunity and exchange experiences with key international CSO community who is taking solidarity visit in Cambodia
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