Introductory to GPP Self-Assessment Tool
Speaker By: To be confirmed
Venue: To be confirmed
Date: 09 Dec-09 Dec 2024
Time: 9:00 AM-11:30 AM
Other Event Archives
Finance Learning Forum on “The Real Practice Taxation for Not-for-Profit Entities”
To Enhance understanding on tax compliance with non-for-profit entities. To learn and discuss the real practice of how to register TIN, VAT, tax on salary, withholding tax, and annual income tax. To strengthen relationship and network among finance practitioners and professionals for ongoing learning on Financial Management issues and good practice.
Results-based Management, 6-month Report and Annual Report Writing
Civil society organizations (CSOs) including non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and community based organizations (CBOs) have played an important role and made significant contributions to the development of Cambodia,..
Development Trend for Civil Society Organization at Sub-National Level
Taxation Workshop
The Taxation Law of Cambodian is the duty of imposing charges on citizens and corporate entities that must be implemented. It's the huge risk factor for CSO if they don't apply to Taxation Law. Responding to the recently updated, CCC is going to organize the special meeting on 27 September 2017 on Taxation implication to CSO.
2nd Bi-monthly Member Meeting 2016
CCC's Bi-monthly members meeting was the 242nd Member Meeting since 1991. Based on CCC’s Bylaw, the meeting was designed for country re presentatives/executive directors and...
Consultative Meeting on Contemporary CSOs’ Enabling Environment
To identify all previous year challenges and improvement on the contemporary CSOs’ Enabling Environment and generate them as the proposed recommendations for the solution; To strengthen the solidarity of CSOs-Community for the better improvement of CSOs’ Enabling Environment...
249th Bi-Monthly Members Meeting
The 249th Bi-Monthly Members meeting will be convened on 5 October 2017. Based on CCC’s Bylaw, the meeting designed for participants who....
Consultation Meeting and Law Talks Forum
This forum is organized to achieve the following objectives: To discuss the very urgent need CSOs for assistance on the implication of the amendment of labour law on the matter of seniority payment. (The calculation of the seniority payment). To find the common strategies and way forward solving the common challenges among CSOs related to the new changes of the legal framework for CSOs.