Memo on the Precaution Against the Covid-19
Speaker By:
Venue: CCC
Date: 23 Mar-23 Mar 2020
Time: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Other Event Archives
ICT Learning Forum
Powerful Visual Content Online is the main topic of the 25th ICT Learning Forum on 24th May 2019. This particular forum will allow ICT practitioners to learn more on web-based basic design tools for better development of visual content, on social media security and new technology such as Hologram.
Pilot Training on Facilitation Skill and Good Practices for Community-Based Organizations (CBOs)
Cooperation Committee for Cambodia has organized Pilot Training on facilitation Skill and Good Practices for Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) on 28-30 August 2018 at Diakonia center...
34th HR Learning Forum 2017
Objectives of the HR Learning Forum • To strengthen participant’s internal policy to comply with the relevant laws of Cambodia • To promote the understanding of participants on the Legal compliance on Employment Terms and Condition • To create a.....
Roles of CSOs in terms of Partnership in the Implementation of Decentralization and Deconcentration (D&D) Reform
CCC was invited to give a speech on "Roles of CSOs in terms of Partnership in the Implementation of Decentralization and Deconcentration (D&D) Reform" to around 3,000 participants at National Conference on D&D Reform at Koh Pech Conference Hall on 22 Feb 2018.
National Social Security Fund (NSSF)_Meeting Results
After working group members of CCC met H.E. Chiev Bunrith, Spokeman and Chief of Policy Department, Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MoLV) on the Prakas of National Social Security Fund..
Bi-Monthly Meeting
Today, the 253rd Bi-Monthly meeting was convened at Diakonia Center (KSSA/ICF). Cooperation Committee for Cambodia - CCC is pleased to warmly congrat and welcome five new members organization including ...
Advocacy on Policy Development Meeting
5th Bi-monthly members meeting was conducted on 2 December 2014 viewed as an important platform for CCC members and relevant stakeholders to get updated