Speaker By:
Venue: CCC
Date: 27 May-27 May 2021
Time: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
Click link below to download ONLINE CCC MEMBERS MEETING's document:
Other Event Archives
Bi-Monthly Meeting
Today, the 253rd Bi-Monthly meeting was convened at Diakonia Center (KSSA/ICF). Cooperation Committee for Cambodia - CCC is pleased to warmly congrat and welcome five new members organization including ...
3rd Partnership Forum bwt Gov't and CSOs (29 Aug 2019)
CCC would like to share you the progress report of the government responding to the twelve key asks proposed by CSOs since the 2nd Partnership Forum between the Government and CSOs on 17 Jan 2019.
Voluntary working Group Annual Reflection Workshop
To express thanksgiving and appreciation to the voluntary groups for their contributions to improve the quality services of CSOs in Cambodia; To reflect on the CCC and voluntary working groups performance; To explore possible opportunity/ strategic direction for CCC service and performance ; To increase networking among the voluntary working groups of CCC to promote the synergy and share the best practices
CSO Strategic Discussion for Policies and Programing
Share on current policies impacts to civil society operation including CSDGs, DCPS and so on. Share and discuss on research finding related to CSOs (CSO Image, Enabling Environment, Sustainability Index, Older People, and CSO Road Map). Discusse and generate key strategic recommendation for better programing and policies..
Result-Based Monitoring & Evaluation System
be aware of the steps to plan, design, and implement a results-based monitoring and evaluation system within their organization; understand how an M&E system is a valuable tool to support good project or program management; practice developing M&E system and tools (questionnaires) for collecting data for Mentoring and Evaluation of indicators
2nd Bi-monthly Member Meeting 2016
CCC's Bi-monthly members meeting was the 242nd Member Meeting since 1991. Based on CCC’s Bylaw, the meeting was designed for country re presentatives/executive directors and...