Workshop on Taxation Obligation and Compliance for Non-Profit Organization
Speaker By: GDT
Venue: Sokha Hotel
Date: 24 Feb-24 Feb 2023
Time: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Other Event Archives
Psychological supports, pre-caution and prevention of COVID-19, and update on legal compliance of non-profit entity are among the main discussion topics of virtual CCC members meeting on 28 April 2021.
3rd Bi-Monthly Members Meeting
This meeting was viewed as an important event for CCC members, so CCC expects Executive or senior representative of each member could participate in this meeting.
Events This Month
We, the participants in the International Conference on the 25th Anniversary of the 1991 Paris Peace Accords on Cambodia (“the Paris Peace Agreements”), recall the importance of the obligations
Civil Society and the Government Partnership Forum
This is a platform where civil society collectively presented its achievement, challenges, and recommendation through partnership forum with the government at Ministry of Interior on 21 June 2018. The detail of remark delivered by civil society representative is below.
Beyond 2015 Consultation Meeting, UN Synthesis Report "The Road to Dignity by 2030"
The workshop was conducted on 24 December, it was aim to update the global movement on post 2015 development agenda and reflect on UN...
The 35th HR Learning Forum on Employee Relation
- The forum conducted in Khmer language. - Participants from CCC members will offer 2 seats with free of charge, if more than to staff need to contribute 25$/person/ learning forum - Participants from non-CCC member are welcomed but are subjected to pay attendance fee 50$ per person as stated in the CCC Charging Policy for Capacity Development Service. - The fee charge of the learning will be paid at the learning forum place.
Update: 4th Partnership Forum: Gov't & CSOs_3 Feb 2020
This is the 4th Partnership Forum between the Government and Civil Society Organization which was held at the Ministry of Interior on 3rd Feb 2020. Achievements, challenges, and suggestions have been raised during the partnership forum. 1) Highlight on process of LANGO Amendment 2) Monitor on 12 key asks raised since 2nd partnership forum in 2019