Partnership Meeting : Civil society and UN Resident Coordinator
Speaker By: Pauline TAMESIS
Venue: CCC
Date: 26 Jun-26 Jun 2018
Time: 12:00 PM-2:00 PM
This is a positive step that civil society and UN have further strengthened partnership for broader development spectrum including controversial discussion on policy dialogue, unlock private sector, and stronger engagement with the government as well as principle of "Leaving No One Behind".
During the partnership meeting this week hosted by CCC, Pauline TAMESIS, UN Resident Coordinator, met civil society representatives including Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC), Oxfam, DPA, Chab Dai, GADC, Banteay Srei, and NGO Forum.
The expansion of social economic opportunity, urbanizing, and strengthening accountability and participation of all stakeholders are the main concept that will be pushed forward in the collaboration.
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