Speaker By:
Venue: CCC
Date: 15 Apr-15 Apr 2021
Time: 8:00 AM-12:00 AM
Other Event Archives
CSO Network Meeting
“Together for a Better Future” is our common goal. As confirmed across the provincial civil society networks of K.Chnang, Pursat, Battambang, P. Veng, S.Rieng, Kampot, Stung Treng, and Ratanakiri, their priorities are seen in common...
Capacity building Plan and GPP Fast Tracking for NPA partners
The 7 April 2016 CCC's Bi-monthly members meeting is the 241th Member Meeting since 1991. Based on CCC’s Bylaw, the meeting is designed for country re presentatives/executive directors ...
The Technical Consultation Workshop on Standard of the Financial Report Tier 2 for Civil Society Organization
Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC) is very delighted to conduct an online workshop on the Technical Consultation on Standard of the Financial Tier 2 for non-profit organizations on 23 February 2021 through Google Meet.
Resource Mobilization Learning Forum
Objectives of the Resource Mobilization Learning Forum To introduction overall concept of diverse resources mobilization. To identify key challenges of CSOs in fundraising and diverse resources mobilization. To discuss on the need for capacity development on diverse resource mobilization and prioritize some key actions to be taken by CCC and its partners....