Promoting more effective partnership between INGOs and other CSO building on Oxfam's Future Roles of INGO in Cambodia
Speaker By:
Venue: CJCC, Phnom Penh
Date: 24 Feb-24 Feb 2015
The consultation was aim to build common understanding on the role of civil society organization especially the future role of International Organizations in Cambodia and to come up with some suggestions for advancing the development of Cambodia from civil society perspective. Furthermore, the consultation will seek to identify the key and long-term strategies for partnership arrangement and effective development between INGOs and other CSOs in Cambodia.
The consultation has the following objectives:
- To share the key findings and discussion points identified from the study of the future role of INGO in Cambodia, within the Cambodia CSO community;
- To increase cooperation and collaboration between INGOs and other CSOs;
- To identity the possible next steps for consideration by INGO and other CSO.
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