Resource Mobilization Learning Forum
Speaker By:
Venue: DI-CCC Rental Space
Date: 10 Apr-10 Apr 2018
Time: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Objectives of the Resource Mobilization Learning Forum
To introduction overall concept of diverse resources mobilization.
To identify key challenges of CSOs in fundraising and diverse resources mobilization.
To discuss on the need for capacity development on diverse resource mobilization and prioritize some key actions to be taken by CCC and its partners.
Expected outputs
Practitioner participants will be aware more the concept of diverse resources mobilization.
Practitioner participants will have better capture the key challenges in fundraising and diverse resources mobilization.
Practitioner participants will have clear action plan for capacity development on diverse resource mobilization and prioritize with the supporting resource.
Practitioner participants will have more chance to learn, share, and build up more relationship among each other.
Download: Resource Mobilization RM Minute
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