Workshop on "Common Advocacy Strategies to Improved Enabling Environment in Cambodia"
Speaker By:
Venue: ICF/KSSA, Phnom Penh
Date: 09 Jul-09 Jul 2014
The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) has recently been committed to fast track the adoption of many laws including the Law on Associations and NGOs, Cybercrime Law, Law on Status of Judges and Prosecutors, Law on Organization and Functioning of the Courts, Laws of the Supreme Council of Magistracy, Law on Management and Use of Agricultural Land, and Law on Trade Unions etc.
Around 178 participants from Non-Governmental Organizations, Associations, Community Based Organization, NGO Provincial Network representatives, informal groups, and people from grass root level participated in the workshop which was held at ICF/KSSA Center, Phonom Penh on 9 July 2014.
Objective of the workshop:
- To share analysis and concerns on the seven draft laws
- To discuss and consolidate the CSO’s joint statement on the current draft laws
- To discuss and collect inputs for joint communication and advocacy efforts on these laws
- To identify prioritized actions to execute the communication and advocacy plan
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