3rd Bi-Monthly Members Meeting
Speaker By:
Venue: KSSA/ICF Center, Phnom Penh
Date: 05 Aug-05 Aug 2014
3rd Bi-monthly members meeting was conducted on 5 August 2014 at KSSA/ICF center, as an important event for CCC members, CCC expects Executive or senior representative of each member could participate in this meeting as it will be more focusing on strategic discussion.
This meeting aims :
- To update on the progress of GHP including introducing new members on their profiles and key activities;
- To discuss on reactions of CSOs and next steps on Beyond 2015 development agenda (goals, targets, and mean of implementation)
- To update on general progress on communication and advocacy strategies to the 7 draft laws and how to turn the strategies into action.
- To generate inputs and comments on the current political movement to ensure that concerns of CSOs and citizens are highly reflected in their reform agenda.
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