M&E Learning Forum
Speaker By:
Date: 31 Aug-31 Aug 2022
Time: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
Other Event Archives
Bi-Monthly Meeting
Today, the 253rd Bi-Monthly meeting was convened at Diakonia Center (KSSA/ICF). Cooperation Committee for Cambodia - CCC is pleased to warmly congrat and welcome five new members organization including ...
CCC Members 276th Bi-monthly Meeting on "Environmental, Social, and Governance and Practical Application in Cambodia"
To promote civic space and social accountability across the region
To promote civic space and social accountability across the region, Mr. Soeung Saroeun, Executive Director of CCC participated in an international dialogue with relevant stakeholders including Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) through the coordination of Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC) during the visit in Tokyo on 19-22 Feb 2018. Besides enabling ..
ICT Learning Forum
Powerful Visual Content Online is the main topic of the 25th ICT Learning Forum on 24th May 2019. This particular forum will allow ICT practitioners to learn more on web-based basic design tools for better development of visual content, on social media security and new technology such as Hologram.
Do No Harm Community Practice Forum
There are three main objectives: To reflect on what they learned from the Application Workshop including process, methods, timing,… To share experiences of what they applied at their own organization, To identify challenges of the application of DNH (from training to application/implementation) and possible solutions