Annual Report 2018

2018 is marked as the second year for the implementation of phase 3 Governance Hub Program (GHP 2017-2021) of the Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC). According to the Operational Plan 2018, the interventions proposed through the GHP contained 3 program objectives, 12 expected outputs/results, 39 key activities, and 209 detail activities. To carry out those interventions, the total budget of USD 1,253,359 was proposed while the amount of 1,035,964 was spent in reality.

CCC has used its System for Results and Impacts (SRI) tool to record, analyze and report all activities implemented by CCC throughout the year, as well as the results generated from those interventions. In general, CCC managed to implement most of the activities as planned.165 out of 210 planned activities were implemented within the year while 16 unplan activities have been implemented. In terms of event, in 2018, CCC organized 174 events with 5,103 participants (1,994 women) that were ranging from various CSOs, government, private sector, and development partner.

In summary, interventions of CCC have touched and turned into benefits for different target groups. Through the direct engagement, CCC has worked with 181 NGOs from CCC members (622 staffs), 229 NGOs from the provincial NGO networks (174 staffs and 27 female), 132 NGOs from non CCC members, and 90 CBOs. Through the indirect engagement, CCC has worked with 11 NGOs as non CCC members (14 staffs and 5 women), 34 government officials from local governors & line ministries, 31 government officials (10 women) from commune/ district/ provincial councilors, 48 companies/corporations from private sector, and 66 development partners as partners of CCC who were from the program target areas.


Annual Report 2018_Last Edition


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