The Extension of CCC Membership Fee Payment until 31 May 2020
Speaker By:
Venue: CCC
Date: 23 Mar-23 Mar 2020
Time: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Other Event Archives
CCC postponement on serveral large events
CCC has been regularly monitoring the status of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). COVID-19 has been named a global pandemic by the World Health Organization, as cases have been confirmed in many countries around the world including Cambodia.
Voluntary Groups Annual Reflection/Voluntary Day to Promote the Professional Practices to improve the quality services of CSO in Cambodia
Promoting more effective partnership between INGOs and other CSO building on Oxfam's Future Roles of INGO in Cambodia
The consultation was aim to build common understanding on the role of civil society organization especially the future role of International Organizations in Cambodia.
Legal Framework Related to the Operation of Civil Society Organizations
Update and discuss on the challenges of CSOs on compliance of related legal framework including the LANGO, Labour Law, NSSF Law, and Taxation Law. Participate in promoting the related legal capacity related to the operations of CSOs in Cambodia. To assess and collect information and recommendations of CSOs on issues related to the challenges in...
Boards and ED of the GPP Applicant NGOs
In Cambodia, contributions made by civil society to the sustainable development of the country are substantial as indicated in the civil society contribution research conducted by CCC in 2012 that CSOs implemented around 4,000 projects, which provided benefits to...