Research Stock Taking

Following a long history and experiences of CCC, as well as broadly networking among CCC members and other research stakeholders, CCC is considered as important document hub for CSO itself, development partners including government and private sector as well as academic research purposes. CCC had been collected diverse researches and policies documents related to CSOs and developments, and set updatabase management system for easier and friendly access for development actors and other academic including online sources where you can get list of information sources and webpages, up-to-date research findings, as well as legal-related papers. Most of researches and other related living documents which have been done by CCC member, CSO/NGO partners, government, and other development actors are stored, maintained and updated. There are numbers of publications and research working papers that are stored over last two decades and now.

Event Calendar
21 Feb 2025, M&E Learning Forum
06 Mar 2025, Finance Learning Forum
13 Mar 2025, CCC Members’ 35th Annual General Meeting (AGM)