CSO Networks Development Effectiveness in Cambodia


Numerous Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and their networks have been created in Cambodia, but exactly how many organisations are functioning and operating remains unclear. Reported figures for registered CSOs range from 4,378 (USAID 2015) to 6,268 (MoFAIC 2017), while only a third of these may be operational to some degree (CCC, 2012). Additionally there is no clear insight into the number of operational networks, though the study identified at least 110 networks, at national and provincial levels, including sector and issues based networks or collaborative mechanisms and membership organisations which (claim to) represent members‘ interests on some issues, though there are likely more networks, collaborative groups and mechanisms in existence.

The Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC) initially commissioned this feasibility study to explore CSOs, their network operations and issues, trends and factors affecting them now, and project forward for the coming period. Following discussions it was agreed that the study would focus on network related issues, and not on individual organisations.

The objectives of the feasibility study were threefold1; ―(i) Assess the development and trends of social, economic and political situation at global and national levels having impact(s) on CSOs; (ii) Assess the performance and functions of CSOs, Networks and Technical Working Groups toward the development of the country; and (iii) Explore the working mechanisms, strategies and functional roles for CSOs in the new development context in Cambodia‖.


Final Feasibility Study Report -26112017-Print


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