1st Bi-monthly Member Meeting 2016
Speaker By:
Venue: KSSA/ICF Center, Phnom Penh
Date: 07 Apr-07 Apr 2016
The 7 April 2016 CCC's Bi-monthly members meeting is the 241th Member Meeting since 1991. Based on CCC’s Bylaw, the meeting is designed for country re presentatives/executive directors and/or senior leaders/managers of CCC members to attend and bring the common concerns on the development challenges and prioritized the issues to be addressed by relevant stakeholders. The meeting will beconvened with the following objective:
- To share information and update members about status of LANGO, mid-term review of NationalStrategic Development Plan (NSDP), localization process of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),engagement with G7 and G20, and CCC’s internal mile stones which are beneficial to CCC members.
- To present preliminary result of quick survey on taxation in civil society, and discuss on its way forward
- To launch a new initiative called “culturing good practice and sustainability of Community Based Organizations”.
- To generate feedback/inputs from members on zero draft on Global Reference Standards for CSO Accountability

Click for view Photos.
- CCC update by Ms: Sinputheary
- Global Standard PPT by Mr: Sorn Savoeun
- Presentation on CBO Project Launching by Mr: Chhorn Vatanak
- Slide Presentation of CFT
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