1st Finance Learning Forum
Speaker By:
Venue: KSSA Center
Date: 26 Jun-26 Jun 2014
Finance learning forum which was held on 26 June 2014 at KSSA building in Phnom Penh. The forum was attended by 116 participants (81 are Females) from 83 NGOs (5 are non-members) who are finance practitioners
Objectives of the Forum:
- To enhance understanding on budget planning for both yearly and operation as well as finance reporting for finance and non-finance manager;
- To discuss among participants to expand their learning insight of the budget planning and financial report format.
- To share the key elements of finance in relation to the code and minimum standards as tool for good practice of the NGO.
- To build up more network and relationship among finance practitioners and professionals for ongoing learning on finance matters and related issues.
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