Annual General Meeting
Speaker By:
Venue: Hybrid Meeting
Date: 24 Mar-24 Mar 2022
Time: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
CCC Members’ 32th Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Theme “Partnership for Sustainable Development beyond COVID-19 pandemic”
Date: 24 March 2022 (8:30am-5:30pm)
Physical Meeting at Cambodiana Hotel, Phnom Penh
Online Meeting by Zoom Conference
To celebrate these significant achievements in coordination and support CCC members and partners, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) is prepared. AGM is the largest platform of the year for relevant actors to discuss and seek for better solutions and joint actions. In accordance with bylaws, AGM is the most significant event to to review the last year performance, sharing and learning, and discussing about the plan and action forward. The event will be conducted full day on 24 March 2022 through hybrid gathering modality, which the morning session under the theme “partnership for sustainable development beyond COVID-19 pandemic”, and afternoon session on critical theme discussions in promoting enabling environment for civil society, youth and ASEAN.
To reflect the previous year performance and celebrate key achievements, and appreciation of members and partners for contribution to the development of Cambodia.
To acknowledge the joint efforts of members & partners, and critical theme discussions in promoting enabling environment for civil society, youth and ASEAN.
To enhance networking and the collaboration among CCC members, Donors and Development Partners, Provincial NGO networks and other partners for democratic development in responding to the development challenges especially in the context of COVID-19.
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