Speaker By:
Venue: Cambodianna Hotel
Date: 25 Nov-25 Nov 2024
Time: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
- To welcome new members, networking and sharing of member works,
- To reflect and extract lesson learnt from NGOs practicing the social enterprise and the role model NGO to comply with regulation’s framework,
- To collect inputs for the 6th Forum on Partnership between the Royal Government and CSOs in December.
Other Event Archives
Result-Based Monitoring & Evaluation System
be aware of the steps to plan, design, and implement a results-based monitoring and evaluation system within their organization; understand how an M&E system is a valuable tool to support good project or program management; practice developing M&E system and tools (questionnaires) for collecting data for Mentoring and Evaluation of indicators
Guidelines on Partnership Mechanisms and Tools of the Development Cooperation and Partnerships Strategy (DCPS) 2019-2023
The overarching objective of the Guidelines on Partnership Mechenisms and Tools of DCPS 2019-2023 is to implement DCPS for promotig partnerships with all development actors and ensuring transparency, accountability and development cooperation effectiveness.
Monitoring and Evaluation Learning Forum
To review the last M&E learning forum on Effective Project Monitoring; To strengthen the understanding of result chain of the M&E framework; To develop and practice on Monitoring & Evaluation Framework; To create a learning and sharing environment and build a stronger network to each other
8th Certified NGO Forum
Forum was conducted to provide an opportunity for CNGOs to learn experience from each other and also work as a partner in the promotion on good governance, accountability, and transparency in NGOs sector.
1st Working Group Reflection Workshop
The reflection workshop provided a great opportunity for working group to build stronger network and share experiences, challenges and comments on CCC learning forums for further improvement.