Consultation Meeting and Law Talks Forum
Speaker By:
Venue: Diakonia Center
Date: 26 Jun-26 Jun 2019
Time: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
This forum is organized to achieve the following objectives:
- To discuss the very urgent need CSOs for assistance on the implication of the amendment of labour law on the matter of seniority payment. (The calculation of the seniority payment).
- To find the common strategies and way forward solving the common challenges among CSOs related to the new changes of the legal framework for CSOs.
- To make awareness of new arrival draft sub-decree(s), specially drafted sub-decree on the provisional fines on the offenses related to the law on auditing and accounting law.
- To make a consultation on the drafted version on the sub-decree on the provisional fines on the offenses related to the law on auditing and accounting law for inputs.
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