First ICT Learning Forum
Speaker By:
Venue: KSSA/ICF Center, Phnom Penh
Date: 27 Feb-27 Feb 2014
The ICT Learning Forum has been conducted since 2010 and facilitated by CCC with technical support from Cambodia IT Association (CITA) and ICT Working Group Members consisting of ICT professionals and practitioners of CCC member organizations and private company in Cambodia.
The overall objectives of ICT learning forum is to 1) stimulate action learning to transform knowledge skills and experiences of individual people and organizations into a community of practices for a betterment of NGO community in Cambodia in the field of ICT and 2) build a strong network among ICT practitioners and professionals for ongoing learning on ICT matters and related issues and 3) to develop programming for facilitating NGO related works such as financial management, human resource management, and monitoring and evaluation.
To continually respond to the needs of the NGO community for good practice within the NGOs, in 2014 CCC will host two full day ICT learning forums for member and nonmember organizations; in which the first forum bwill be conducted on 27 February 2014 and the second will be on 29 August 2014. The objectives, expected outcome and agenda for the first ICT learning forum are as below:
Objectives of the forum:
- Enhance understanding on ICT for development (ICT4D) for M&E by using form to produce report in cloud server.
- Illustrate and discuss on how to produce video clip by using hand phone.
- Share how to protect our privacy of smart phone and computer.
- Discuss among participants to expand their learning insight in the area of ICT.
- Build up more network and relationship among
First ICT Learning Forum Presentation :
- Mr. Eng Sophara_Review learning points from previous ICT learning forum
- Mr. Puth Chan Choth_ICT for development (ICT4D) for M&E
- First ICT Learning Photo
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The HRM Learning Forum has been conducted since 2002 and facilitated by CCC with technical support from HRM Working Group members who are HRM professionals