Issue Briefing Workshop on Enabling Environment for Development at Sub-national Level
Speaker By:
Venue: HorBunny Hotel in Kratie
Date: 16 Dec-16 Dec 2015
16 December 2015 at HorBunny Hotel in Kratie province:
In the promotion for better enabling environment among development stakeholders at sub-national, The Cooperation Committee for Cambodia in Collaboration with NGOs Provincial Network in the northeast region of Cambodia: Kratie, Stung Treng and Ratanakiri, had organized an Issues Briefing Workshop on Enabling Environment for Development at Sub-national Level. There are 54 participants, representation from diverse development stakeholders at all levels such as provincial authorities, district authorities and district councils, commune councilors, NGOs, CBOs, and other development partners working in the respective provinces.
The purpose of the workshop:
- To share the preliminary results of the action research on enabling environment for civil society at sub-national level.
- To identified the key roles and increase cooperation and engagement among different stakeholder at sub-national development.
- To seek partnership strategy for better development and working together more effectively.
Click for view Photos.
- IP3-II Presentation for workshop (PDF)
- Overview to enabling environment and methodology (PDF)
- Result Survey for enabling environment V9 CSOs Authorities at Kratie-v4 (PDF)
- Result Survey for enabling environment V9 CSOs Authorities at Ratanakiri-v2 (PDF)
- Result Survey for enabling environment V9 CSOs Authorities at Stung Treng-v4 (PDF)
- RNN Presentation in Kraties (PDF)
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