National Social Security Fund (NSSF)_Meeting Results
Speaker By:
Date: 23 Jan-23 Jan 2018
Time: -
After working group members of CCC met H.E. Chiev Bunrith, Spokeman and Chief of Policy Department, Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MoLV) on the Prakas of National Social Security Fund (NSSF) under Healthcare Scheme, please kindly see the key discussions below.
1. MoLV can only delay the registration deadline to two or three months period in 2018.
2. Expatriates are included in the scheme without any exception because it links to their workbook provided by MoLV.
3. NGOs who got the invitation letter from MoLV have to take action regarding the registration as soon as possible.
4. MoLV will send invitation letter to individual NGOs regarding the registration.
5. MoLV will provide the technical orientation based on request.
6. Registration fee is publicly stated, and the payment rate cannot be negotiated.
7. NGOs who have not received the invitation letter should prepare available budget for the scheme, and hold on for the invitation.
8. Pension Fund scheme will be implemented in 2019.
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