Online Safety Training
Speaker By:
Venue: Hyatt Hotel
Date: 21 Jul-21 Jul 2022
Time: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Other Event Archives
1st Bi-monthly Member Meeting 2016
The 7 April 2016 CCC's Bi-monthly members meeting is the 241th Member Meeting since 1991. Based on CCC’s Bylaw, the meeting is designed for country re presentatives/executive directors and/or senior leaders/managers of CCC members to...
Annual General Meeting (2015)
This year2016, with feedback from CCC members and Executive Committee (EXCOM), the AGM will be held with the theme: “Engagement of CCC and its members in Cambodia Development ...”
Workshop on Taxation Obligation and Compliance for Non-Profit Organization
249th Bi-Monthly Members Meeting
The 249th Bi-Monthly Members meeting will be convened on 5 October 2017. Based on CCC’s Bylaw, the meeting designed for participants who....
Statement #HLPF 2019 to the world under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council #ECOSOC of the #UN.
Statement #HLPF 2019 to the world under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council #ECOSOC of the #UN.
Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation Monitoring Exercise Validation Workshop
Taxation Law for Civil Society Organizations
To promote more awareness and understanding of application of Taxation Law on the Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations and others (related to tax obligation for NGOs). To enable space for CSOs to raise issues related to the implications of Taxation Law and to solve/address some critical questions related to the application of the Taxation Law.