Speaker By:
Venue: CCC
Date: 10 Nov-11 Nov 2021
Time: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
Other Event Archives
The 22nd ICT Learning Forum
This ICT learning forum is offered to a maximum of 80-100 participants from CCC members and non-members organizations ...
Virtually meeting about LFR events and new match funding project introduction
Annual General Meeting (2015)
This year2016, with feedback from CCC members and Executive Committee (EXCOM), the AGM will be held with the theme: “Engagement of CCC and its members in Cambodia Development ...”
18th M&E List of M&E learning forum
This M&E learning forum is offered to a maximum of 80-100 participants from CCC members and non-member organizations ...
Voluntary Groups Annual Reflection/Voluntary Day to Promote the Professional Practices to improve the quality services of CSO in Cambodia
Basic Video Training
Under supporting of USAID’s Development Innovations, Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC) now offers a hands-on three-day Basic Video Training Course that covers understanding your audience, creating/identifying a message, interview skills, camera operation, and basic video editing.
Finance Learning Forum
To review the outcome and impact of last finance learning forum, To Enhance understanding on tax compliance and implementation for non-for-profit entities,..