Taxation Obligation and TOI-E-Filing workshop
Speaker By:
Venue: Tonle Bassac II Restaurant
Date: 21 Dec-21 Dec 2023
Time: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Other Event Archives
Civil Society Day
More than 300 participants came and discuss on one planary and nine breakout sessions lead to the commom positon on outcome documents. This requested to all stakeholders to strongly participate to ensure the sustainble development for the country.
Workshop on Taxation Obligation and Compliance for Non-Profit Organization
Finance Learning Forum
To review the outcome and impact of last finance learning forum, To Enhance understanding on tax compliance and implementation for non-for-profit entities,..
Notification on delay of implementation of instruction 006 on Tax Incentive for Association and Non-Governmental Organizations
សេចក្តីជូនដំណឹង ស្តីពីការពន្យាពេលអនុវត្តសេចក្តីណែនាំលេខ ០០៦ ស.ហ.វ រហូតដល់ថ្ងៃទី ៣១ ខែធ្នូ ឆ្នាំ២០១៩
The Forum on Consultation and Reflection Workshop on Partnership Forum between the Royal Government of Cambodia and Civil Society Organizations
To reflect on implementation progress of partnership dialogue(s) between the government and CSOs for the last 07-month period within the spirit of the Partnership Dialogue between the Government and CSOs which was conducted on January 17, 2019 organized by MOI.