The 43th HRM Learning Forum “Practice on Shared Database for Association and Non-Governmental Organization”
Speaker By:
Venue: CCC
Date: 01 Oct-01 Oct 2021
Time: 8:30 AM-12:00 PM
Other Event Archives
Human Resource Management Learning Forum
To review the outcome and impact of last HR learning forum, To raise awareness and knowledge of seniority payment. (the calculation of the seniority payment), To share and make awareness on the draft sub-decree on the provisional fines on the offenses related to the law on auditing and accounting law
Bi-monthly members meeting
This meeting is organized to achieve the following objectives: To welcome new members and sharing of member’s development approaches; To share results and recommendations of key research studies 1) “How the people of Cambodia live with climate change and what communication can do”, 2) Public Image of CSOs, and 3) CSO Enabling Environment and Inclusive Partnership
Governance & Professional Practices Certificate Awarding Ceremony
To award NGO GPP Certificates to the newly certified NGOs in 2019; To launch the new GPP Standard and Certification System; To present the transitional task between the current and new GPP certification system; To present the journey of the new GPP Standards and Certification system
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Basic Video Training
Under supporting of USAID’s Development Innovations, Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC) now offers a hands-on three-day Basic Video Training Course that covers understanding your audience, creating/identifying a message, interview skills, camera operation, and basic video editing.
Human Resource Learning Forums
គោលបំណងនៃវេទិកាសិក្សារៀនសូត្រ ដើម្បីរំលឹកមេរៀនពីមុនឡើងវិញក្នុងការជួយអោយសិក្ខាកាមពង្រឹងការទំនាក់ទំនងរវាងបុគ្គលិកនិងថ្នាក់គ្រប់គ្រងអង្គការរបស់ពួកគេ.........
Finance Learning Forum on “The Real Practice Taxation for Not-for-Profit Entities”
To Enhance understanding on tax compliance with non-for-profit entities. To learn and discuss the real practice of how to register TIN, VAT, tax on salary, withholding tax, and annual income tax. To strengthen relationship and network among finance practitioners and professionals for ongoing learning on Financial Management issues and good practice.