CSO’s Actions & Impacts from COVID-19


Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC), through Communications and Member Development (CMD) team who coordinate this task closely with CCC colleagues would express our sincere thanks to CCC members and non-members, Provincial NGO Network, Communication Based Organizations, and other CSO stakeholders for spending their valuable time to complete the survey.

Thanks also for CCC component managers and staff in providing inputs into form as well as gathering the data. Extended thanks to Mr. Soeung Saroeun, Executive Director of CCC who initiated this quick survey with valuable comments on the content of the study as well as in the report. Giving special appreciation to Mr. Chen Sochoeun in preparing the report, and thanks Ms. Luy Theary in supporting for the compilation on certain open answers as well as review on the questionnaires. We would also appreciate comments from all our colleagues and members on the preliminary results.

Last but not least thanks everyone for engaging in this study, and we do expect that this survey would be key documents for CCC, members and other partners to better understand about the current situation of COVID-19 and its impacts on CSO programing and organization.


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