CCC Baseline Survey Report (GHP)


The authors would like to thank the management team of the Cooperation Committee for Cambodia to provide a great research opportunity to the research team. The Baseline Study of the GHP could not have been completed without the commitment and collaboration of key stakeholders and CCC’s leader and officials, including Mr. Soeung Saroeun, Executive Director of the CCC, Dr. El Sotheary, Head of Program, Mr. Chhorn Vatanak, Governance & Professional Practices Manager, Mr. Yeng Seng, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, and Mr. Mi Nac, Coalition Building, Advocacy and Networking Manager. 

We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who participated in the gathering of information and knowledge to provide a more holistic and thorough understanding of the complex structure and organization of civil society in Cambodia. We would also like to thank the government officials, embassies, international and local nongovernmental organizations, private companies, and community base organizations who recognized the need and importance of this study and were willing and able to share with the researchers.

In particular, we would like to convey our appreciation to Ms. Mathilde TERUYA, First Secretary the Embassy of France, Ms. Thiounn Neva, Director of Diakonia, Mr. Zac Center, Country Manager of Pact Cambodia, Mr. Lee Sothearayuth, Deputy Director of National Democratic Institute, Jan Jaap Kleinrensink, Country Director of Plan International Cambodia, Mr. Keo Tai, Director of Non-Timber Forest Products, Ms. Lim Solinn, Country Director of Oxfam, Mr. Jeudy Oeung, Political Officer of Embassy of Sweden, Ms. Prak Sokhany, Executive Director of the Cambodia Civil Society Partnership, Mr. Ngin Saoroth, Executive Director of the Cambodian Disabled People’s Organization, H.E. Phai Siphan, Secretary of State of the Office of the Council of the Ministers and the Spokesman of the Royal Cambodian Government, Mr. Sourng Sophorn, Managing Director of the Sorphorn Group, and Mr. Phan Phally, a senior official of the Vision Fund, leaders of the community base organizations, and others in Phnom Penh and nine provinces who contribute their value times and inputs in this study. Without their wisdom and expertise, it would have not been possible to disentangle and understand the complexities of the relationship between private, public and CSOs in Cambodia. The contributions are highly appreciated and enriched the study process.

The Research Team Members:
Dr. Chan Vibol, Team leader, Email:
Kuy Mearssamnang,
President of Accountability Cambodia, Research Member
T: 855-11433444; E:;


CCC Baseline Report (20171207)_GHP_final-Printing


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