Corperate Social Responsibility (CSR) / Responsible Business Conduct (RBC)

Awareness and understanding of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) and the linkages with business and human rights, and sustainable development is in its infancy in Cambodia, as it is varied degrees across the ASEAN region. While a number of Cambodian NGOs and CBOs are engaged in advocacy and campaign work to address the adverse impacts of private sector investment (particularly concerning hydropower, extractives, agribusiness and garments), knowledge of international mechanisms such as the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principle on Business and Human Rights, is low.

The program will work to influence for an enabling environment that fosters Responsible Business Conduct, Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainable inclusive development and to strengthen CCC and member capacity to engage with the private sector, and understand and promote responsible business conduct for sustainable development. The primary focus on:

  • Raise awareness of RBC and CSR in a development context among CCC staff, members and partners
  • Design and deliver training and materials to CCC staff, members, certified NGOs, provincial networks and other interested CSOs and stakeholders
  • Join CSR / RBC networks and multi-stakeholder initiatives to facilitate collaboration, support and succession planning
  • Promote responsible business conduct with the private sector and government by using the UNGPs and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises as a framework.

For more information please see the brochure below and go to link (CCC CSR/RBC program, RBC brochure) or contact Ms. Roeung Raingsey, Capacity Development Officer through e-mail: and Phone: +855 (0)77 739 911.


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