1st ICT Learning Forum 2017
Speaker By:
Venue: Diakonia Center/KSSA
Date: 29 Mar-29 Mar 2017
Time: -
Objectives of the ICT Learning Forum
To improve the capacity of participants on Account YouTube, Power of Digital Design and Maintains & security of website.
To share Monitoring and Evaluation App (M&E APP) and experience of organize and manage for IT work or networking
To build network among ICT practitioners for future collaboration for better use of ICT4D
Expected outputs
The participants improved their knowledge on Account YouTube, Power of Digital Design and Maintains & security of website.
The participants was aware and showed their commitment to use Monitoring and Evaluation App (M&E APP) and join IT work or networking
The participants knew each other and made connection for future collaboration for better use of ICT4D
Target Participants
This ICT learning forum is offered to a maximum of 80-120 participants from CCC members and non-member organizations who are ICT practitioners. Each participant should be assigned by the senior management of their organization and committed to apply what has been learned from the forum to improve the performance in their organization. Non‐CCC members are welcome but subjected to pay attendance fee as stated in the charging policy of CCC to support the forum’s logistic arrangement.
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