CCC Members’ 31th Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Speaker By:
Venue: CCC
Date: 24 Jun-24 Jun 2021
Time: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Theme “Civil Society Collaboration for Democratic Development in Cambodia”
Date: 24 June 2021 (8:00am-12:00pm)
Online Meeting by Zoom Conference (will share link later)
1- Introduction
The Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC), a leading membership-based organization for local and foreign organizations in Cambodia, has played a role since 1990. CCC had been actively worked over three decades as an enabling agent to facilitate CSOs to collectively effort, institutional governance and accountably actions for CSOs to advance the pace of democratic and sustainable development in Cambodia. The currently implementing its fourth phase Governance Hub Program (GHP 2021-2023) which under the vision of sustainable and democratic development in Cambodia and two goals: 1) improved enabling environment for CSOs; and 2) sustainability and functionality of CSO Resource Hub at national and sub national levels.
To celebrate these significant roles especially in coordinate and support for CCC members and partners, Annual General Meeting (AGM) is prepared as the largest event of the year for CCC members, partners, and key development actors. However, the COVID-19 pandemic leads to the virtual the working approaches, and some of our interventions have been adjusted to ensure the relevancy to the context. In accordance with its bylaws, AGM is conducted to review the last performance, and to discuss and learn about the plan for the following year. This year AGM will be held a half day through virtual meeting on 24 June 2021 under the theme “Civil SocietyCollaboration for Democratic Development in Cambodia” in order to highlight the solidarity and networking, CCC &members’ achievement, and plan for the future collaboration.
More than 200 participants/audiences who are CCC members, civil society partners, and development actors (the government officials, donors and development partners, and the private sector), community-based organization representatives, and youth will be invited to join.
2- Objectives
- To reflect the previous year performance and celebrate key achievements, and appreciation of their contribution to the development of Cambodia.
- To acknowledge the joint efforts of members and partners in promoting enabling environment for civil society.
- To enhance the collaboration among CCC members, Development Partners, and Provincial NGO networks partners for democratic development in responding to the development challenges.
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