Finance Learning Forum
Speaker By:
Date: 15 Mar-15 Mar 2024
Time: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
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Guidelines on Partnership Mechanisms and Tools of the Development Cooperation and Partnerships Strategy (DCPS) 2019-2023
The overarching objective of the Guidelines on Partnership Mechenisms and Tools of DCPS 2019-2023 is to implement DCPS for promotig partnerships with all development actors and ensuring transparency, accountability and development cooperation effectiveness.
First ICT Learning Forum
The ICT Learning Forum has been conducted since 2010 and facilitated by CCC with technical support from Cambodia IT Association (CITA) and ICT Working Group Members
Meeting with General Department of Taxation (GDT)
Meeting with General Department of Taxation (GDT) organized by CCC this morning is beyond the taxation discussion. It is about an opportunity to collaborate, to clear the perception
HR Learning Forum
"What are legal procedures of redundancy and layoff?" This question has been answered and and put into active discussion during the 37th HR Learning Forum organized by the Cooperation Committee for Cambodia on September 5, 2018 at Diakonia Center (ICF Building).
Voluntary Group Annual Reflection Workshop
To promote the synergy of the contribution of the voluntary group members to improve the quality of CSO, the Cooperation on Committee for Cambodia has organized a half-day reflection workshop on 14th November 2018 at Tonle Bassac II restaurant.
2nd HR Learning Forum 2015
The HRM Learning Forum has been conducted since 2002 and facilitated by CCC with technical support from HRM Working Group members who are HRM professionals